
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Flaws In Germinal :: essays research papers

The Flaws in GerminalAt first glance, one might say the capitalist system is innocent and it leads to more productivity, but upon discreet examination, the system has numerous flaws. As we discussed in class, one of the main flaws was the inability of the actors to advance themselves in society beyond the point of keeping food in their stomachs. One generation afterward another follow each other down below into the mines without cessation. get-go and foremost the party needs to insure that whole members of the mine town have enough to eat, enough to wear, and a roof over their head. The company can possibly provide clothing and food through a ration-based system that guarantees the people will not die of starvation or frostbite. These are necessities that the company should provide even if they are in debt. The break awayers should overly receive a salary based on performance and mesh of the company. This spending money can be used for amenities or the worker can save it if he or she one mean solar day desires to move away and attempt to start a better support somewhere else.The root of the problem lies with the education the residents of the mine town receive. Children as young as seven or eight are macrocosm sent down to work in the mines when they should be starting nurture. If families are unable to pay for schooling a type of indentured worker system might work out where children can attend school for free if they agree to provide the company with a year(s) work when they sprain of age to work. That also brings up the issue of child labor. Children should not work until at least 16 and even then they should not be responsible for dangerous and grievous jobs such as securing the limbering. Another important issue concerns the rights of the workers. Workers unions should be set up and all should join to manufacture sure that the company does not use and abuse the workers. Unions should unite all workers with the same profession across the reg ion. A strike when carried out effectively will cripple the company and force them to pay higher wages.

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