
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Explain How to Support Children and Young People According to Their Age, Needs and Abilities to Make Personal Choices and Experiences That Have a Positive Impact on Their Lives

CT232 Understand how to support positive outcomes for children and young people In addition to reading page 184 to 207 of your Heinemann level 3 diploma tex book please put together some notes which show you have researched this unit.. Once you have done this please email me your notes so they can be used as evidence. Your notes need to cover the following †¦ 1. 1 Describe the social, economic and cultural factors that will impact on the lives of children and young people They are many issues in our lives that can have an impact on children/young people, this could be Social factors Illness/disability- this can cause a child/children to miss out on a large chuck of the education and struggle to achieve due to them taking frequent visits to the hospital or that they have to stay at home most of the time. It may cause them to miss out on activities such as sports, which could leave them feeling isolated and full of resentment and may cause them to have behavioural problems. It can also cause people to misjudged them as lacking intelligence and therefore given challenge, leading to boredom and perceived disruptive behaviour If the child is the carer of parents with illness/disability this can lead to emotional difficulties, they may struggle to understand the role reversal they are experiencing, view themselves as being more mature than their peers which can result in them struggling to form friendships and may become resentful at missing out on the childhood and present challenging behaviour. They may suffer anxiety whilst away from home and worry about their parents, resulting failure to engage in their education. * Poor parental supervision/neglect- children need routine, guidance, love, boundaries, positive discipline etc†¦ Without these they will be constantly in conflict at school because they do not know or understand acceptable boundaries. They may be unaware of dangers they can face in life. They may have distorted view of their own abilities and may believe they are allowed to do what they want because they were never prevented. They believe they are unloved, unimportant and unvalued and as they grow older this could lead to depression and self harm. Lack of boundaries could result in them becoming involved in crime and anti-social behaviour. Neglect could lead to health problems through malnutrition. They may struggle to form social relationships because of their lack of personal hygiene. Poor clothing could lead to bulling and teasing, causing them to be withdrawn and become isolated. Offending or anti-social behaviour- children who breaks the law may run the risk of being excluded from school or their family being evicted from their social housing accommodation a child could be taken into care for various reasons such as a parent could be imprison, this could cause a child to be emotional stress. The child may perceive the behaviour as normal or acceptable. It may result in them making some bad person choice and would result in them suffering a disruptive education and struggle to form long term stable fr iendships * Addictions- the impact on addictions can be varied. They can suffer health problems. If their mother had a drug or alcohol problem during pregnancy. They may suffer from neglect, abuse /violence. If they have younger siblings they may find themselves responsible for their care and therefore may suffer stress and feel isolated. They may feel scared and find it difficult to speak to people for fear of getting in trouble or going into care. They may ultimately find themselves in care if the addiction results in their parents being unable to care for them. They may become involved in crime to support their family. At school they may be disruptive or withdrawn, have mood swings and outbursts of violence * Bereavement and parent’s separation- this can leave a child feeling very insecure and frightened. They may become quiet and withdrawn. They may become very emotional, clingy and tearful or become violent and abusive. They may feel angry, let down and abandoned. Their work and concentration at school may suffer as a result of any stress and worry they may be feeling. They may suffer poverty as a result of a fall inthe household income and also suffer a dramatic change in lifestyle that leave them confused. Cultural factors * Religious beliefs and customs- children may have to attend a school associated with their religion, and may therefore receive a less balanced education. They may struggle to understand other people‘s religion or lifestyle choices, especially if it goes against what they are taught. They may become confuse or isolated and struggle to interact with the wider community. They may also experience or witness abuse on the grounds of their religious beliefs and customs, leaving them not only confused and isolated but fearful. * Ethnic beliefs and customs- children may have different form of clothing, customs which could lead to them being teased or bullied. Their culture ma view interaction between men and women, women and women or men and men in a different way and the children will struggle to recognise what is acceptable at school as it differs from home. This could cause them to come into conflict with school rules or to be perceived as a trouble maker. Economical factors * Education- children whose parents have had poor education or lack numeracy and literacy skills can or may struggle at school, their parents may show little or no interest in their education and as a result they themselves may also lose interest and starts miss behaving in class or follow in the wrong crowd of friend which will lead to them failing in their education and struggle to get employment as an adult * Poverty- this can result from low income, unemployment, parental separation, illness or disability, addictions, or criminal activities. Children may suffer malnutrition or a poor diet as a result of their parents being unable to afford quality food. This could result in lack of concentration or poor performance at school. They could also suffer other health related issues. They may be the subject of bullying as a result of their clothing or because they do not have the latest ‘must have’ accessories. They will probably miss out on further education due to the costs involved, or as a result of the need to find employment to help support the family. * Poor housing- One of the side effects of poverty is poor housing. People on low income are often dependent on local authority housing. This may result in overcrowding, for example being housed in a bedsit or home with insufficient bedrooms. This means the child has no privacy, or personal space. They may struggle with homework and course work because of the lack of a quiet space in which to complete it. The housing provided may be of a poor quality – suffering damp or be in disrepair. This could have a detrimental effect on the child’s health – causing asthma or frequent colds and coughs. It will probably be in a less desirable area or could be in an area with social disorder problems. This may result in the children becoming isolated, as their parents may be fearful of letting them out to play or they may themselves become involved in anti-social behaviour and criminal activities. Although dealt with separately, many of these factors are interconnected; unemployment or low income can lead to poor housing. Poor housing can lead to health problems, which can lead to frequent school absences. They will not only affect the child’s present lifestyle and health, but also their future, right through to adulthood. This pattern could then continue into the lives of their children. Without support and intervention, they and their families could find themselves trapped in a cycle of disadvantage 1. 2 Explain the importance and impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people 1. 3 Explain the role of children and young people? s personal choices and experiences on their outcomes and life chances 2. Identify the positive outcomes for children and young people that practitioners should be striving to achieve 2. 2 Explain the importance of designing services around the needs of children and young people 2. 3 Explain the importance of active participation of children and young people in decisions affecting their lives 2. 4 Explain how to support children and young people according to their age, needs and abilities to make personal choices and experie nces that have a positive impact on their lives 1. Explain the importance and impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people 1. 3 Explain the role of children and young people? s personal choices and experiences on their outcomes and life chances 2. 1 Identify the positive outcomes for children and young people that practitioners should be striving to achieve The EYFS states that every child matters and that they should all be given opportunity to achieve the every child matter five learn goals outcome and that practitioners should place emphasises so that they may be able to achieve on every level of the five learning goals. This means that as professionals that we help and encourage the children to be healthy, by giving them healthy meals/snacks at appropriate times. We encourage the children to drink water. Help them to cope with everyday life such as personal stress, help to build their self esteem. Encourage them in the right direction about their physical, mental, emotional, sexual health and to avoid drug taking. The EYFS works within the Every child Matters (children’s Act 2004) and links to the statutory framework: 2. Explain the importance of designing services around the needs of children and young people it is Important to design services around needs because it makes best use of the money we have, it targets the services properly, so doesn't waste time or resources. Putting the child at the centre means, rather than it being about adults and what they want, it is actually about what the child NEEDS. 2. 3 Explain the importance of active participation of children and young people in dec isions affecting their lives it is Important for them to participate actively because that way they feel (awful phrase) ‘ownership', i. . if they feel they ‘own it', they are more likely to respond to it and use it, also it's just basic common sense that they should decide – they know what they need (mostly) after all. 2. 4 Explain how to support children and young people according to their age, needs and abilities to make personal choices and experiences that have a positive impact on their lives 3. 1 Explain the potential impact of disability on the outcomes and life chances of children and young people 3. 2 Explain the importance of positive attitudes towards disability and specific requirements 3. Explain the social and medical models of disability and the impact of each on practice 3. 4 Explain the different types of support that are available for disabled children and young people and those with specific requirements 4. 1 Explain the meaning of equality, div ersity and inclusion in the context of positive outcomes for children and young people 4. 2 Compare, giving examples, ways in which services for children, young people and their carers take account of and promote equality, diversity and inclusion to promote positive outcomes

Social Phobia

Social Anxiety Disorder: Social Phobia The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines social anxiety disorder as a marked and persistent fear of social or performance situations in which embarrassment may occur (DSM). Exposure to these situations provokes an immediate anxiety response such as a panic attack (DSM). In order to be diagnosed, fear or avoidance of these situations must interfere significantly with the person’s normal routines, occupational or academic functioning, social activities or relationships, or a person must experience marked distress about having the phobia (DSM). In 400 B. C. , Hippocrates described a young man that displayed the symptoms of a social anxiety disorder. â€Å"He dare not come in company for fear he should be misused, disgraced, overshoot himself in gesture or speeches, or be sick; he thinks every man observes him† (Burton 2009). Throughout the 20th century, psychiatrists described extremely shy patients as having social phobia and social neurosis. British psychiatrists Isaac Marks and Michael Gelder proposed that social phobias be considered a distinct category separate from other simple phobias (Hope, Heimberg, Juster, & Turk 2005). In 1980, the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders introduced social phobia as an official psychiatric diagnosis. Social phobia was described as a fear of performance situations, but did not include fears of informal situations such as casual conversations or social situations. Patients with broad fears were likely to be diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder, which could not be diagnosed in conjunction with social phobia (Weiner, Freedheim, Freedheim, Reynolds, Miller, Gallagher, Nelson, Gallagher, Nelson, Gallagher, & Nelson 2003). In 1985, psychiatrist Michael Liebowitz and psychologist Richard Heimberg initiated a call to action for research on social phobia (Weiner, Freedheim, Freedheim, Reynolds, Miller, Gallagher, Nelson, Gallagher, Nelson, Gallagher, & Nelson 2003). Due to the lack of research on social anxiety disorder, the disorder came to be known by many as the â€Å"neglected anxiety disorder† (Weiner, Freedheim, Freedheim, Reynolds, Miller, Gallagher, Nelson, Gallagher, Nelson, Gallagher, & Nelson 2003). In 1987, the DSM-III-R introduces changes in some of the diagnostic criteria. To diagnosis social anxiety disorder the symptoms must cause â€Å"interference or marked distress† rather than simply â€Å"significant distress. † It also became possible to diagnose social phobia and avoidant personality disorder in the same patient (Weiner, Freedheim, Freedheim, Reynolds, Miller, Gallagher, Nelson, Gallagher, Nelson, Gallagher, & Nelson 2003). In 1994, the DSM-IV was released, and the disorder was defined as a â€Å"marked and persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or possible scrutiny by others† (Weiner, Freedheim, Freedheim, Reynolds, Miller, Gallagher, Nelson, Gallagher, Nelson, Gallagher, & Nelson 2003). The etiology of social anxiety disorder is largely attributed to genetics, and environmental factors. Family studies of individuals with social anxiety disorder show a higher incidence of the disorder than that found in the general population, and a twin study found a concordance rate of 15. % in dizygotes and a 24. 4% concordance in monozygotes (Kedler, Neale, Kessler, Heath & Eaves 1992. ). Of course, there is very little evidence that the genetic factors attributed to social anxiety disorder extend beyond the link between environmental factors since there is very little evidence of neurobiological factors. Other than the fact that se lective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are effective treatments for social anxiety disorder, there is little evidence to implicate dysfunction of the serotonergic system (Jefferson 2001. . The lack of empirical data identifying neurobiological factors in causing the onset of social anxiety disorder is best stated in a quote by Dr. Murray B. Stein, a Professor of Psychiatry and Family & Preventive Medicine at the University of California San Diego, â€Å"It is clear that we have a long way to go before we can speak with authority about the ‘neurobiology of social phobia’† (Stein 1998. ) Therefore, environmental factors remain the most referred to etiological agent in the onset of social anxiety disorder. Parenting traits such as over control, lack of warmth or rejection, and overprotection are known to be associated with the etiology of social anxiety disorder (Brooks, & Schmidt 2008). Some individuals with social anxiety disorder associate its onset with a specific social event or interaction that was particularly embarrassing or humiliating. Such a circumstance could be considered an adverse conditioning stimulus (Jefferson 2001). There is further evidence that poor results from quality of life assessments can be attributed to social anxiety disorder. Individuals with major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder have substantially poorer quality of life than community comparison cohorts. In many cases, the quality-of-life impairments associated with these anxiety disorders are equal to or greater than those seen with other chronic medical disorders (Rapaport, Clary, Fayyad, & Endicott 2005). Social anxiety disorder is a common disorder. The lifetime prevalence of SAD is somewhere between 7% and 13% in Western countries (Furmark 2002). Furthermore, epidemiological studies have demonstrated that social anxiety disorder is the most widespread of all the anxiety disorders, and the third most common psychiatric disorder after major depression and alcohol abuse (Brooks, & Schmidt 2008). Therapy and medication are the most common treatments for social anxiety disorder. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most utilized form of psychotherapy, and has been found to be successful in seventy-five percent of patients (â€Å"Social anxiety disorder,† 2009). This type of therapy focuses on reminding the patient that it is their own thoughts, not other people or situations, that determine how they behave or react (â€Å"Social anxiety disorder,† 2009). In therapy, the patient is taught how to recognize and change the negative thoughts they have about themselves (â€Å"Social anxiety disorder,† 2009). Exposure therapy is also a common form of treatment for social anxiety disorder. In this type of therapy, the patient is gradually exposed to situations that they fear most (â€Å"Social anxiety disorder,† 2009). Exposure therapy enables the patient to learn coping techniques, and develop the courage to face them (â€Å"Social anxiety disorder,† 2009). The patient is also exposed to role-playing with emphasis on developing the skills to cope with different social situations in a â€Å"safe† environment (â€Å"Social anxiety disorder,† 2009). There are several medications used to treat social anxiety disorder. These medications are typically serotonin reuptake inhibitors including Paxil, Zoloft, and Prozac (â€Å"Social anxiety disorder,† 2009). A serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) drug such as Venlafaxine may also be used as a first-line therapy for social anxiety disorder (â€Å"Social anxiety disorder,† 2009). Typically, the patient begins with a low dosage, and is gradually increased to a full dosage, to minimize side effects (â€Å"Social anxiety disorder,† 2009). It may take up to three months of treatment before the patient begins to have noticeable improvement of symptoms (â€Å"Social anxiety disorder,† 2009). Social anxiety disorder remains a largely misunderstood, and under researched, disorder. Momentum through increased clinical research, in depth understanding through treatment, and stricter guidelines for proper diagnosis are positive indications that Psychology has recognized the debilitating effects of social anxiety disorder on patients. In time, clinicians will be better prepared to treat patients suffering from this disorder, and will improve the lives of patients. References Brooks, C. A. , & Schmidt, L. A. (2008). Social anxiety disorder: a review of environmental risk factors. Neuropsychiatr Disease and Treatment, 4(1), Retrieved from http://www. ncbi. nlm. ih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC2515922/ Burton, Robert. (2009). The Anatomy of melancholy. Charlottesville, VA: The University of Virginia. Furmark T. (2002). Social phobia: overview of community surveys, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 105, Retrieved from http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/11939957 Hope, Debra, Heimberg, Richard, Juster, Harlan, & Turk, Cynthia. (2005). Managing social anxiety. New York, NY: Oxf ord Univ Pr. Jefferson, J. W. (2001). Physicians postgraduate press, inc.. Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 3(1), Retrieved from http://www. cbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC181152/ Kedler, K. S. , Neale, M. C. , Kessler, R. C. , Heath, A. C. , and Eaves, L. J. (1992) The genetic epidemiology of phobias in women: the interrelationship of agoraphobia, social phobia, situational phobia, and simple phobia. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. Rapaport, M. H. , Clary, C, Fayyad, R, & Endicott, J. (2005). Quality-of-life impairment in depressive and anxiety disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162(6), Retrieved from http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/9861470 Social anxiety disorder (social phobia). (2009). Mayoclinic. com. Retrieved (2010, April 25), Retrieved from http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/social-anxiety-disorder/DS00595/DSECTION=treatments%2Dand%2Ddrugs Stein, M. B. (1998). Neurobiological perspectives on social phobia: from affiliation to zoology. Biological Psychiatry, 44(12), Retrieved from http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/9861470 Weiner, Irving, Freedheim, Donald, Freedheim, Donald, Reynolds, William, Miller, Gloria, Gallagher, Michela, Nelson, Randy, Gallagher, Michela, Nelson, Randy, Gallagher, Michela, & Nelson, Randy. (2003). Handbook of psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Friday, August 30, 2019

What I hope to gain from a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

Management studies has always interested me and I am currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in business administration to work towards my aims and objectives which are described below and to pursue my interest in management studies and at the same time obtain a full fledged degree in Business Administration.By working towards this degree I hope to become a more well rounded personality alongside gaining more knowledge, skills and expertise in the field of business and management which I can wield towards my other long term goals, to evolve into a dynamic and capable leader in the field of business.Through this Business Administration program I hope to gain maximum and up to date knowledge and skills including technical skills to be successful in any area of business administration. I want to be able to understand the theoretical aspects of the knowledge and skills that I gain as well as apply them practically. I want to be able to explore and gain a thorough knowledge of conce pts, principles, theories, practices of modern business writers as well as the classical business writers.I hope that the program will enable me to build a strong foundation to pursue and be successful in any area of business administration by helping me understand and find the relation between the various interrelated areas of business administration. I hope that it would give me a good head start in analytical and strategic business studies. The skills that I wish to gain include soft skills, technical skills, analytical, mental skills, problem solving skills, negotiation skills and leadership skills. I want this program to help me improve my written and verbal communication.I want to ensure that my analytical skills are honed well to be able to analyze business conditions and decide the appropriate strategy to handle those conditions. I want to be able to hone my skills to be able to conduct research if necessary in various media and analyze the data that is gathered to reach con clusions about the business scenario. I want to be able to make presentations as and when required, to analyze the data collected and to reach business goals and to present a proposal to somebody and to negotiate and convince people in various business scenarios.I want to be able to make use of my skills and knowledge in the job market to play a good leadership and management role. I want this program to help me transform into an efficient and effective practitioner of ethical business practices. I want to be able to nurture my skills and knowledge in a rich interactive and intellectual environment by exchanging ides with other students, professors and eminent business personalities.I want to be able to take part in cultural activities and other extracurricular activities that will help me become a more balanced person and to contribute more wholesomely towards my community and my profession. I also want to go through various disciplines and understand the relationship between them and how they are relevant to Business management. I view this Business Administration program as a significant stepping-stone towards my long term goals and professional development in the field of business to enable me to turn into a competent business professional.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Statistics paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Statistics paper - Essay Example ere chosen for discussion in this statistics paper from the works of Bennett (2004), Greenblatt (2002), Hiller, Knight, Rao and Simpson (2000), Makkai and Payne (2003), Niazi, Pervaiz, Minhas and Najam (2005), Wei, Makkai and McGregor (2003), and Young, Dembo and Henderson (2007). The Bennett (2004) study began in 1996 to ascertain the prevalence of drug usage among offenders in the United Kingdom, and to trace whatever links there are between drugs and crime in relation to arrestees. This study was patterned after the Drug Use Forecasting (DUF) program of the United States Department of Justice. Like the DUF program, the Bennett (2004) research is being carried out using interviews and drug tests as the key methodology. The following substances are being tested as part of the large-scale drug research : amphetamines (including ecstasy), benzodiazepines, cannabinoid metabolite, cocaine metabolite (including ‘crack’), LSD, methadone, opiates (including heroin) and alcohol. The Bennett (2004) research used both descriptive and inferential statistics. Measures of central tendency including the range, median, proportion, frequency, percentage were used to describe the prevalence of drug use among the arrestees. The range was used to describe the length of the interval which contains all the data. The range also indicates dispersion of the data. Arrestees who tested for cannabis, for example, ranged from 36 per cent to 58 percent across the five survey area (p. 17). The proportion states the relationship of one part of a measure compared to a whole. In this study, proportion was oftentimes used to depict the picture of the size of the populations of arrestees testing positive for any of the eight substances in the aforementioned paragraph, such as â€Å" †¦ three out of four arrestees tested positive for at least one drug (including alcohol)† (p. 18). The median in this study describes the midpoint of the range where half of the data contained in the range falls

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Marketing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Marketing Strategy - Essay Example Magners has a lot of strong competitors in the cider market. Most of these competitors have existed for decades now. During the early 1990s, Diamond White and Max were a major rage all over. This was before alcopops took over and nudged traditional drinks on a corner. During the 1960s and 1970s, pear cider gained a lot of popularity. This was a result of the marketing campaign by Baby champ. The industry continues to grow and has grown its set of competitors in the market over the years. The industry is of the view that the current renaissance will take the somewhere. Some major set of competitors include Scottish, Newcastle and Constellation Europe. They have spent a lot of moolah on promotional campaigns and advertisements to promote Cider. What remains to be seen is to what extend will each of these big wigs fare in the market. When Magner was launched initially, it was perceived as a drink for teenagers and park benchers. Since then it has gone through a makeover. They have come up with various ways to promote their brand. Most notably by lowering the alcoholic content in the bottle, serving it chilled and by launching a 30 million advertising campaign. Magner soon regained its position via this and grew by 33 %. Rivals did not rest low. They were quick to react as they saw potential in the cider market. Magner’s success thus paved way for a huge influx of other brands. Scottish and New Castle as mentioned earlier were quick to re-launch their Bulmer’s. They were all over the market and Bulmer’s had a massive marketing campaign wherein its packaging was identical to that of Magners.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ethical Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethical Decision Making - Essay Example Wayman reported in 2011 that in order to combat accounting fraud, US Congress enacted financial reform through the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), which held entities more accountable for their bookkeeping methodologies by requiring senior management to attest to the accuracy of the data provided on the financial statements, as well as mandate companies to establish internal systems of checks and balances to police those crunching the numbers. The legislation lent more credibility and respect for the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) by reinforcing them as law rather than mere ethical guidelines. GAAP is used to create parameters for corporate accountants and auditors when keeping records of transactions and balancing budgets. The rules place emphasis on revenue sources, itemized balance sheets, and numbers of outstanding shares. It is designed to create absolute transparency for investors and restore confidence in companies’ financial statements.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Critic's response to William Faulkner's literary canon Research Paper

Critic's response to William Faulkner's literary canon - Research Paper Example Prior to his death in 1962, William Faulkner had written various novels including the Hamlet (1940), the Town (1957), and the Mansion (1959) (Educational Broadcasting Corporation 1). These novels address various topics including civil war, social conflicts, and cultural displacement among other topics. Subject to addressing controversial topics, William Faulkners Literary Canon faces many critics. Indeed, many critics and readers could not understand William Faulkners Literary Canon in his entire life. However, in the modern literature, many critics and readers recognize William as a prominent author in American literary history. William Faulkner was a modernist writer who explored the themes of isolation and cultural displacement that prevailed in America in the 1920s and 30s. Although the literary critics and public have in time appreciated the significance of William Faulkners works and their audacity in terms of both form and content, very few literary critics have managed to analyze Faulkner’s literary production in terms of working-class aspects that are prominent in his works (Bucaria 1). In addressing his most prominent works that include the Hamlet (1940), the Town (1957), and the Mansion (1959), we can establish that William Faulkners Literary Canon depicts the use of a tragic tone (Educational Broadcasting Corporation 1). Indeed, it is clear that William Faulkners Literary Canon manifests a mixture of tragedy and comedy. William inherited the use of comic sense in writing as used by earlier writers. Notably, the three novels noted above define the tragicomic chronicle of the Snopes Trilogy that establishes the effect of the Snopes Trilogy on Yoknapatawpha County (Educational Broadcasting Corporation 1). These works faced numerous criticisms. Indeed, upon his death, the New York Times asserted, "Mr. Faulkners writings showed an obsession

Sunday, August 25, 2019

TIME METHOD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

TIME METHOD - Essay Example The sample will comprise of 25 females and 25 males from final year of undergraduate class. Convenience and purposive sampling will be done to reach out to the desired sample. The chosen participants will be the one who will be willing to participate and respond to the questionnaire. All interested participants will be contacted beforehand for appointments for a face to face interview. A brief description of the study will be provided and the participants will be assured of confidentiality of their responses. At the time of the interview, the responses will be noted as well as tape recorded with participants’ permission. Individual interviews will be conducted and each interview will last for about 30 minutes. The responses will be transcribed after the interview is over. All written and recorded data will be labeled with necessary information such as date, name of participant for ease of referencing. Formats will be prepared to enter data as a step prior to the content analysis of the data. The information will be coded and categorized to arrive at themes and patterns in the responses. After broad themes and categories emerge, the results and findings will be interpreted keeping in mind the research questions. The results can be presented in various forms such as tables or graphs. Conclusions and recommendations will be provided at the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Patriot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Patriot - Essay Example The Continental army puts him in charge of the Colonial Militia. Despite of being few, untrained and unorganized, they managed to achieve several victories including a major success in the Battle of Cowpens leading to the ultimate freedom of America. It is critical to assess how a small number of American rebels used various fighting tactics to defeat the relatively huge, well-trained and well-armed British Regular Army. As Martin knew that ill-experienced militia was not able to beat the British army in open battles, he had to train his men for rather different fighting tactics. Martin while talking to his son said that â€Å"Going muzzle-to-muzzle with Redcoats in open fields, it is madness† (The Patriot). The militia trained by Martin and Major Jean Villeneuve of the French army mostly employed Guerilla warfare tactics to fight the British. These tactics helped at damaging British supply lines and routes, recovering goods and harassing the enemy soldiers effectively. During their very first attack on enemy, the militia was shown to be hidden in the fields, trees and behind the rocks to take them suddenly before they could even react. They attacked from all sides individually leaving British soldiers with no other option but to die or flee.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Managing Organisations, People and Self Assignment

Managing Organisations, People and Self - Assignment Example According to the case study, John Barker owns the double-glazing business â€Å"Hole in the Wall† and built it completely on the basis of his own skills and capability. He also employed a small group of people and provided his services on a small scale. The business had registered immense growth in the tenure of its operation over the years. In the recent years, the business had to deal with several key issues that harm its operations and reputation considerably. Contextually, this assignment will analyse the prevailing problems in the business that resulted in its performance decline and certain recommendations will be discussed in solving the same. The suggestions would certainly help the business to improve its performance up to a larger extent. 2.0. Problems / Evaluation John Barker started his double glazing business with employing 20 people in the initial stages of the operation of the business. However, with the retirement of his friend/supplier, Barker occupied the factory of his friend and thus expanded his business operations with the inclusion of more staffs. He also took the approach of making extensive advertisements in the local newspaper and the media in order to target the customers of the local market. The company had experienced considerable growth in recent times in the form of building better business reputation amid the customers. However, the growth of the company had been hindered by certain specific problems in the workplace that are yet to be evaluated. It can be viewed in this similar concern that there was increased number of complaints from the end of the customers about the quality of the services or the products of the company, which further damaged its better reputation amid the customers. Moreover, it has also been observe d that the employees of the business have become quite inefficient and their performance had declined considerably. In addition, a few of the employees had also left the company without providing any notice, which further harmed the operational efficiency of the business up to a larger extent. This aspect can resemble with the problems that prevail in the workplace of the business. From the analysis of the case study, it can be stated that there were problems of motivation that might be impacting the approach of the employees and steering them towards an undesirable direction. Moreover, the leadership and business management abilities of Barker can be questioned with regard to the poor performance of the business. The problems have been further identified and discussed in detail hereunder. 2.1. Motivation Motivation is regarded as one of the imperative aspects, which impacts the behaviour of an individual. It encourages people to conduct their work in an efficient and dedicated mann er (Reem, 2011). In the case study provided, the employees of the business and their conduct were deemed to be affecting the welfare of the business up to an extensive extent. Contextually, it has been observed that the performance of the company owned by Barker in recent years had showed certain inefficient results, which are a matter of concern for the same. Analysis suggests that

Law Hypothetical6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Law Hypothetical6 - Essay Example He does not want to have any involvement in the event and is very concerned that he not suffer any potential liability except his investment. You all eventually agree to split the profits from the event on an equal basis. You question, however, the business skills of the dirt bike shop co-owner so that to have full responsibility over the business affairs of the event the biker shop owner will be restricted to marketing. The three parties are the dirt bike store (which is a partnership between two brothers), the money was (as individual) and the OUTAWAY INN (which is a sub chapter S corporation). The new venture should be structured as a partnership between the three parties. The three partners should have equal say in organizing and running the event. This means that the two brothers who own the bike shop should have one vote as should the owner of the OUTAWAY INN and the Canadian investor. The new structure should be more than a contract relationship. There should be formation of a new registered business entity to ensure continuity if the race proves to be a success. This will ensure easier periodical organizing of the race. It will also be easier to promote the race if it is a formally business than when it happens in an impromptu manner. The formal registration of the race would be in essence a new investment by the three partners. The partnership perfectly fits the description of a Limited liability partnership in that one if its partners; the Canadian investor has limited liability. The requirement of the Canadian that he has as limited liability will prompt the partnership to go for C Corporation which will tax the business separately from the owners therefore ensuring that the partner will in no way be required to directly pay any tax to the United States federal income tax law. This will ensure that only the returns from his initial investment will be taxed. The most strategic move however, should the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Police Department Organization Essay Example for Free

Police Department Organization Essay There are three different types of police departments they individually have their own jurisdictions nonetheless their structure is very similar. For bigger departments the structure is going to be more in depth mainly because of all the moving parts in its system. For those smaller departments it will be smaller due to fewer personnel on shift and tasks at hand. In the Unites States we have three different types of police departments local, state, and federal. In this paper you will find a brief description of all three. In the city of El Centro California we have a smaller department due to the population here in El Centro. El Centro Police Department was established in 1908 it involves 58 sworn officers and 26 civilian employees. The structure is made up of the Police Chief, Commanders, Lieutenants, Sergeants, field officers, and civilian employees. This department comprises of three sub-divisions patrol, traffic, and Crisis Response Unit. Patrol is in charge of patrolling the city and making police presence known. Traffic division handles city traffic and makes sure that residents and visitors alike are respecting all speed limits and traffic signals. Crisis Response Unit is a specialized unit that has been established to handle critical field operations. It manages sensitive calls such as those where negotiations are needed; it is also capable of deploying specialized units where highly trained officers are need. Investigations Division accounts for two sergeants, seven detectives, one community service officer, and a secretary. Four of the seven detectives are assigned to handle multi-jurisdictional narcotics enforcement and one detective is allocated to juvenile crimes. Evidence and property is controlled by the community service officer. The person responsible for the Investigation Divisions smooth operations is the division secretary. The Chief, Executive Commander, and Staff assistant lead the Administration Division. Police Chief Jim McGinley is the current chief for El Centro police department. Chief McGinley has 32 years of law enforcement practice; previously he served as Commanding Officer for San Diego Police Department. Prior to retirement in 2005 Chief McGinley headed the Investigations Divisions 2. Chief McGinley was in charge of elder abuse, auto theft, financial crimes, robbery, gangs, and homicide. California Highway Patrol was formed August 14, 1929. It consists of eight different divisions throughout California. Their structure is very similar to a military unit. At the top of its structure is the Commissioner which has the following offices under it Office of Special Representative, Office of Inspector General, and Office of Employee Relations. Deputy Commissioner follows with the Office of legal affairs, Medical Relations, and Equal Employment Opportunity. After that the structure branches of into two different components one being administrative and the other being the officers on the beat. Assistant Commissioner Staff has several departments like Administrative Service Division, Information management, Enforcement Planning, Office of the Academy, Internal Affairs, Office of Employee Assistance safety, and the Office of Organization Development. Assistant Commissioner Field is the other branch that I mentioned. This office also has various divisions and offices like Protective Service Division, Office of Air Operations, State Security Division, and all of it different patrol divisions in the state. The state is broken down into eight different divisions I will name them form southern California to northern California; Border Division, Southern Division, Inland Division, Central Division, Costal Division, Valley Division, Golden gate Division, and Northern Division. California Highway Patrol has two main missions the primary one is to make sure that all traffic and transportation along freeways and state routes. CHP officer still maintain police authority out of state route and freeways. CHP’s secondary mission is to aid and assist to any emergencies that exceed local capabilities. A federal police agency is the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and it was founded in July 1973 formed by President Richard Nixon. He established this agency to combat the war on drugs and not only nationwide but worldwide as well. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration web page the DEA has nearly 5,000 Special Agents and a budget of $2.02 billion. The Administrations structure is very complex and consists of many different divisions. At the top of its enormous structure it has its Administrator and Deputy Administrator followed by five different branches forming the top of this structure. It has Executive Equal Opportunity Employee Assistant Staff (ADE), Executive Policy Strategic Planning Staff (ADS), Office of Administrative Law Judges (LJ), Office of Chief Council, and Office of Congressional public Affairs. Drug Enforcement Administration has many other divisions and departments that they account for a whole thirty one of them to be exact with the last one being field operations. DEA has a much larger structure mainly because it not only fights the war on drugs and terrorism in the United States but it also must do it worldwide. References www.chp.ca.gov www.cityofelcentro.org/police/ www.justice.gov/dea

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Competitive Advantage of a Construction Company

Competitive Advantage of a Construction Company Assume that you manage a company – ABC Construction, which your company has the  scale similar to YTL. By using 5 forces model (and any other analysis tools), access your  competitive advantage in the property development industry. For this question, assumptions are made to ABC Construction which has similar scale to YTL. However, to increase the competitiveness advantage of the company, I would also like to include other assumptions to ABC Construction. The assumption will be made based on the following: ABC Construction have other subsidiaries companies such as Cement Company and hotels. About the same historical years involving in the construction industry. Has been involved in overseas property development projects. Listed company in Bursa Malaysia and Tokyo Stock Exchange. Involve in the SoHo property development. For property development industry, the threat of new entrants to ABC Construction is low because the barriers to entry property industry is high. As it required huge capital to enter this industry to purchase land, machineries, tools, plants, other business and marketing activities. At this point, since ABC construction has about 60 years of experience in these industry, the threat of new entrants is relatively a minor problem which does not cause any competitive disadvantages to the company. The working capital for the company is already strong enough and very liquidity. Benefit from economies of scale in financial economies and economies of scope, as a big construction player with long history in the industry, ABC construction has increment efficiency, more trustworthy and can take these advantages by borrowing funds from bank at a lower interest rates compared to the other competitors. Lower interest rates, eventually provides bigger cash flow and generate greater profit return. This allow capital expansion such as can build more units of houses or properties with less input costs compare to smaller scale competitors which gets high interest rates in borrowing. Apart from that, ABC construction also able to provide product differentiation. Since the company has been involved in different types of businesses, the company able to apply its unique skills and resources to achieve better utilization of land, human capitals, more appealing design in development and innovation which then generate higher revenues and return in profit. Different design theme and concepts can be applied to produce differentiation such as branded luxury residential (8 Conlay-KSK LAND), private gates park concepts (Sentul Park- Sentul Raya Sdn Bhd), and natural elements to provide therapeutic lifestyles (Ecoworld- Eco World Development Sdn Bhd) with its strong working capital. ABC Construction able to spend a large sum of money in creating something new to attract their potential buyers. ABC construction able to convenience its potential customer by spending a great deal of money on advertising in the newspaper, radio, websites and television programmes. For example, E COWORLD has successful transform their company to a brand which attract customers to value their product and thus new entrance need more resource to overcome loyalties and leads to less profit or even losses. With its globally population and reputation, ABC Construction has an addition competitive advantages. The company can launch and sold their properties through distribution network either locally or internationally. The distribution channel for ABC construction will be high as it does not only involve actively in Malaysia, its subsidiaries company also involve actively in oversea projects in Singapore, Indonesia, England, Australia and China. This make the company has larger distribution channel compared to other competitors. In terms of bargaining power of suppliers, the main materials for construction are steel bars, formworks, concrete. The suppliers are not concentrated or differentiated. On the other hand, ABC Construction will have greater advantages compared to its competitors because the company has its own cement company and internet company. The company do not need to worry about the increase in price for the cement and the fluctuation of the supplies. The control of cement and concrete material is under its own supervision while on the other hand, other competitors has to worry about the bargaining power towards suppliers. Thus, the bargaining power of suppliers tend to be low, less threat to forward integration. Besides that, the company has been involved in other business sectors as well, thus they have greater bargaining power to the suppliers for the supplies of materials. Bank is also one of the important suppliers in the property industry, as they will decide whether to fund your project or at what interest is charged to the company. However, with the strong background of the company, this also would not be a big problem. Due to the buoyant economic growth of Malaysia and relatively low property values compared to other Asian country, the bargaining power of buyers in property industry tend to be low. Apart from that buyers for properties are mostly individual thus the pressure tend to be low. However, the increasing number of property in the industry, customer now do possess a threat of integrating backward. According to The Star Online on 16 August 2014, Malaysian property market is consolidating because of the slower growth and the oversupply of high-rise condominium units (Toh Then, 2015). The property of transaction in Klang Valley for 2014 appear to be drop by 36.24% compared to 2013 (Thean, 2015). Besides that, with the implementation of GST, buyers are now tend to be more careful in their spending. Even though the new implemented GST is not included in the residential properties but a comparison done by loan street shows there is a 3.41% increase in price for new residential properties post-GS T implementation (Loan street, 2015). As these scenario happened, the buyers now tend to have more bargaining power. The second rules of thumb for demand and supply stated that if demand decreases supply remains unchanged, leads to a lower price. Buyer now will look for higher quality, greater services at better price. However, property developers are always smart, to secure their profit margin, lower the property’s price tactic will not be used. They will either decrease the size of the property to meet the affordable price of the buyers and also input much more supplementary benefit to increase the sales during down time, ABC Construction can input much more other supplementary benefit to push the sales such as exclude or lower the payment for sell and purchase agreement, offered other services such free installation of wireless broadband services for a certain period for the buyers. Threat of substitute products will be Small Office Home Office (SOHO), Small Office Flexible Office (SOFO) and Small Office Versatile Office (SOVO). This type of property trend had been growing lately but still not so favourable in Malaysia due to issues like it is commercial property where housing loan interest rate, utilities, maintenance and others will based on commercial rate. Thus, the threat of substitute are low. Besides that, ABC construction also involve in the SoHo property development other than residential and commercial property development which means ABC Construction has diverse it development into different field which not only one of the competitive advantages also minimise the threat of substitute. The competitive on rivalry among existing firms will be high. As there are a lot of big players in the property industries such as Sunway Bhd, SP Setia Bhd Group, Sime Darby Property Bhd, Mah Sing Group Bhd, IOI Properties Group Bhd and many others developers. However, due to the diverse investment in different field other than construction industry, ABC construction has lower exit barriers compared to others competitors in the property industry which make them at competitive advantages. It can diverse it resources to other related field such as hotel industry, manufacturing industry and infrastructure industry given that the company cannot cope with the high competitive pressure scenario in property industry.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Definition Of Inclusion And How It Defers To Integration

Definition Of Inclusion And How It Defers To Integration Inclusion and Integration are there to help those children who have Special Needs. In simple terms they are there for the provision of the children. Yet, at the same time both of them are very different. According to the government the term Inclusion is defined as The department for Education and Employment Green Paper (DfEE, 1997) explains that Inclusion is a process, not a fixed state..meaning not only that pupils with education needs should wherever possible receive their education in a mainstream school, but also that they should join fully with their peers in the curriculum and life of the school. Yet in contrast to Inclusion, Integration is different. According to Simmons et al 2007, defines that integration is where the child must adapt to its schools, and there will be no assumption that the school will be able to help. The differences between inclusion and integration   INTEGRATION INCLUSION Emphasises needs of Special Students Emphasises rights of all students  Ã‚   Changing or remedying the subject Changing the school Benefits to the student with special needs of being integrated  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Benefits to all students of including all Professionals, specialist expertise and formal support  Ã‚   Informal support and the expertise of mainstream teachers Good teaching for all   (ibid) As you can see, in the table above it explains the difference of how inclusion and integration works. This shows that inclusion emphasis on the children whereas, integration does not. Yet at the same time both terms are there for the beneficial of children with SEN. This is causing issues on which to follow. According to Ainscow et al. (2006), informs us that the definition of inclusion is not clearly defined. This is also supported by Topping and Maloney (2005), who also argue that inclusion in its broadest sense refers to the acceptance of all individual in the society by accepting and respecting those who made positive contribution. However, it seems that there is not a clear definition on the term inclusion as different theories have different ideas. Nutbrown and Clough (2006, p12) explains that Inclusion is an approach to education and childcare according to inclusive values rather than a concern with particular group of children and young people. Also a similar approach to them is done by Simone Aspis 2004, who explains that Inclusive education should create opportunities for all learners to work together. It requires recognition that learning in enhanced when individuals of different abilities, skills and aspiration can work together in a joint enterprise. (Aspis, 2004 p129) According to Darlington 2003 believes that inclusion is defined as a process and not a state, that inclusion in not very simple concept restricted to issues of placement key principles are valuing diversity, entitlement individual needs and equal opportunities. (Darlington 2003 p3) Yet a different approach by Mittler 2000, defines that inclusion requires the transformation of learning context: where it involves a process of reform and reshaping of the whole school as whole. Another definition of inclusion is from Florida University 2002, who also give an understanding to inclusion, although it is taken from Florida University and that the states have different meaning, this one was similar to the ones that the UK uses. Inclusion is an effort to make sure students with disabilities go to school along with their friends and neighbours while also receiving whatever, Specially designed instruction and support they need to achieve high standards and succeed as learners. (http://www.cpeip.fsu.edu/resourceFiles/resourceFile_18.pdf) Another approach to inclusion is from autism independent 2006, which also have the same approach towards inclusion that the other authors have had. And also they have similar ideas that have been focus on as they too have a definition of what they believe. Inclusion is a term coined to describe the philosophical argument that children with mental, physical, or emotional handicaps are entitled to an education within the mainstream of public education. (http://www.autismuk.com/index1sub2a.htm) Yet in contrast to inclusion integration as stated earlier on is different to inclusion. According to Open University 2010, who has an article relating to integration they explain that, Integration was a term used by organizations such as CSIE (originally called the Centre for Studies in Integration in Education) when seeking neighbourhood placements for all students, and implied the need for a student to adapt to the school, rather than for the school to transform its own practices. (http://openlearn.open.ac.uk/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=397669section=1.3.3) In conclusion, it seems that there are no clear definitions in what the term Inclusion means, as different authors have a different meaning. Although most of them have similar thoughts to what they have said that inclusion is there to help children or individual with special needs. All of the authors acknowledge that the Childs needs come first, and that society should try to accommodate them and try to make them feel wanted. Similar to the social model of disability that society should try to make them feel part of the society and not outcast them. Whereas integration is similar to the medical model of disability where they have acknowledge that the child has a needs and have labelled them that they need help and do nothing to encourage them. This is also supported by Dennis and Gardner who also stated that Inclusion and Integration are similar to the social and medical models. (ibid) Both inclusion and integration explain that the child needs help. Yet one put the child and expects to do the work themselves and the other term supports them and encourages them so that they can go into the world without depending on other peoples help.

Monday, August 19, 2019

File Sharing on the Internet Essay -- Computers Technology Essays

File Sharing on the Internet When we think of pirates, we see scruffy men with unshaven chins, a bandana, a gold earing, a black patch on one eye, and a wooden leg, men with guns in hand, riding the seas in their wooden ship proudly flying the terrifying skull and crossbones. Well, pirates these days look much different. In fact, you may be sitting by one right now. They are ordinary people who have come to enjoy the technologies the Internet provides. These pirates are boys and girls, women and men, who habitually root themselves in their desk chairs with eyes fixed on the computer screen. But today's pirates have something in common with the pirates of days lost in history. Both steal what doesn't belong to them. Today's pirates sail the Internet on the prowl for a treasure chest of downloadable files. In the age of technology and information, the Internet has become widely used for a variety of reasons. I, like many other college and high school students, love to download things off the Internet. Everything is right there in front of me. With a few clicks of the mouse and some intelligent searching strategies, a world of information awaits my curious mind. There's much to be found: movies, computer games, books, reference guides, almost anything you want is there to download. My favorite thing to download is music, and it's easily accessible on the Internet. I admit I am one of those who indulges in the popular practice of downloading music from servers. At first, the hot thing was to use Napster. If I heard a good song on the radio, I would remember what it was called and who sang it so that I could download the song and have it available to hear whenever I wanted. After a while, record companies realized that thi... ...ongs from CDs I don't have, and as soon as I have the means I plan to finish collecting their CDs. I am like the many Wilco fans and other music fans who aren't trying to cheat record companies and artists by getting the CDs online for free. In light of everything, today's pirates, like those of the past, are in control and can't be stopped. Only by taking drastic measures and infringing on people's rights to copy CDs legally for legitimate purposes will the pirating be stopped. However, pirating music is not all that bad, and in many ways is actually good for artists, record companies, listeners, and especially people who love music. Sources cited: Levy, Steven. "Turning Off the Music Tap." Newsweek 13 May 2002: 40. On-line. Proquest. 10 Oct 2002. Available at http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?Did=0000001189692564&Fmt=3&Deli=1&Mtd=l&Idx=4&Sid=13&RQT=309.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Tempest the Play by William Shakespeare Essay -- Tempest William S

The Tempest the Play by William Shakespeare Ruler’s in general face many problems, as is the nature of having power and authority. However rulers like Prospero face even more difficulties, as Prospero has the ultimate power of magic and can control and manipulate people and their actions, more so than a natural ruler. The first difficulty presented is an issue, which is dealt with throughout the play: the idea of how much or how little to intervene? From the beginning of the play we are told of how and why Prospero is usurped from his dukedom, â€Å"I thus neglecting worldly ends, all dedicated/ To closeness, and the bettering of my mind/ With that which, but by being so retired, O’er-prized all popular rate, in my false brother.† Namely because he did not get involved in running the country and possibly felt that his job was not to intervene but to be a figure-head for the country and leave the country to run itself, a ‘laissez faire’ attitude to ruling. This short speech by Prospero raises the idea that perhaps we should remember that being a ruler involves both rights and responsibilities; Prospero wanted the former but not the latter. The idea of intervention and responsibility is presented in Act 2, Scene 1, where Prospero intervenes telling Ariel to wake Gonzalo before Antonio and Sebastian draw their swords and kill him. This issue, is particularly difficult for a ruler such as Prospero as he has the power to manipulate the situation to suit him self, raising moral as well as personal dilemmas? This raises yet another problem faced by rulers, specifically Gonzalo; of how much trust you can give your subjects or more appropriately those who are next in line to the throne? This idea of trust was .. ...have alcohol. Caliban gives his only power, knowledge of the island, as a pledge to his new masters. His hope is that by exchanging masters, he will be able to better his life. This continues the idea of trust and the problems faced by those ruler’s such as Prospero who have slaves who have an inherit need to be incarcerated by a ruler, but unfortunately by any ruler at all and are therefore not faithful. In conclusion, Act 2 reveals the difficulties faced by ruler’s such as Prospero, through cleverly interwoven narrative threads which are developed gradually throughout the play. This is especially true of the themes of trust and the fixed natures of characters, which both pose a problem for those in power. Prospero of course has the added dilemma of possessing supernatural powers which brings with it additional problems when placed in the role a ruler.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Explanatory Concepts in Political Science Essay

Since 1979 there have been dramatic changes in both the structure and organisation of the Labour Party. In part, this was in response to their failure to win a general election between 1979 and 1997. However, the change goes much further than that and can be perceived as a reflection of the continued struggle between ideologies of different factions within the party. This essay will first try to establish what ‘Old’ Labour was and what it stood for. Then, scrutinising ‘New’ Labour, this essay will discus if, how and why the Labour Party changed and identify the key differences between ‘old’ and ‘new’ Labour. The Labour Party was initially established as a party to represent the newly enfranchised working class in Parliament. Growing out of the Labour Representation Committee (LRC), the party owed its existence to various trade union and socialist organisations. Consequently, right from its inauguration, the party’s primary purpose was to elect MP’s that would represent the interests of the unions. Although ostensibly not a committed socialist party, by 1918, the party had included Clause 4 in its election manifesto, the principle of public ownership which committed the party to nationalising land, coal mining, the electricity industry and the railways as well as declaring their intention to make rates of taxation steeply progressive to fund a major extension of education and social services.[1] Labour soon overtook the Liberals in popularity and rose to be the principle opposition for the Conservatives, forming three governments between 1926 and 1945. Post-war Labour fundamentally recognised the relationship between state and society in Britain and introduced a number of reforms in education, social security and welfare in an attempt to lay the foundations for a new, more caring society. The post-war Atlee government sent Labour on a trajectory towards socialism with commitments to economic planning in an attempt to reduce unemployment, a mixed public and private sector economy and a comprehensive welfare system which was endorsed by successive Labour and Conservative governments until 1979 when Thatcherism ideology took over. During this time Labour was widely perceived as being orientated towards a socialist perspective as the government took responsibility for unemployment, healthcare and housing. After Labour’s defeat by the Conservatives in the elections of 1979, the party went through a period of considerable internal turmoil that ultimately resulted in extensive reform of the structure and organisation of the Labour Party. Since 1979, there have been three distinct phases of change as ‘Old’ Labour became ‘New’. These can be defined as The Bennite challenge, Modernisation and New Labour. The first phase of this, the Bennite challenge led by Tony Benn attempted to redress the balance of power within the party. Aided by the leaders of some major trade unions at a special party conference in 1981, the party’s left wing activists succeeded in forcing through a number of internal organizational reforms that enhanced the power of grass-roots activists and trade unions in the selection of parliamentary candidates and party leaders. This change meant that ‘the party would now be committed to bringing about a fundamental and irreversible shift of power and wealth towards working people and their families’[2]. In response, a number of leading parliamentarians and supporters seceded from Labour and founded the Social Democratic Party in 1981. Labour presented a radical manifesto that proposed extensive nationalization of industry, economic planning, unilateral nuclear disarmament, and the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Economic Community. The result was Labour’s worst national electoral defeat in more than 50 years. It was after this defeat that modernisation took place under the new leader of the Labour Party, Neil Kinnock, a politician who, despite his leftist credentials set about re-establishing Labour as a credible national electoral force. Kinnock’s â€Å"modernisation† process towards the beginnings of a ‘New Labour’ contributed to Labour’s electoral revival after the trauma of 1983. As well as explicitly rejecting nationalisation as a tool or goal of economic policy, Kinnock ‘set out to crush the revolutionary left by launching a series of expulsions of supporters of the Militant Tendency’[3] but it was not sufficient to deprive the Conservatives of their governing majorities in the general elections of 1987 and 1992. By the time that Blair took the Labour Party leadership in 1994, the leadership had reasserted its authority having introduced significant organisational reforms which broadened and centralised the decision making process within the party as well as removing all trace of links with Marxist socialist ideology. Traditionally, there had been a strong socialist link with the Labour Party through Clause 4. Despite opposition from many of the Old Labour leaders, the rank and file of the party was insistent on maintaining its Socialist roots right up to the 1990’s. In stark contrast to the rest of Europe, which by 1980 had largely rejected a fully-fledged socialist ideology, Labour maintained Clause 4 that sought to maintain its ideology of socialism and nationalisation. Clause 4 of the Labour Party’s constitution was an integral part of the party’s philosophy and ideology as it marked the party as ardently socialist. Clause 4 is as follows; â€Å"To Secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible up the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service.†[4] The clause is clearly anti-capitalist and commits to replacing capitalism with a system of social ownership, justice and planning where more control is given to ‘the workers’. Dearlove and Saunders propose that in practise, Old Labour was happy to accept a capitalist economic order although they sought limited social ownership through nationalisation, limited redistribution or wealth and income through taxation and welfare and limited planni ng through national agencies. In practise then, Dearlove and Saunders suggest that Labour should have been considered as a ‘social democratic’ party rather than actively pursuing its formal socialist objectives. Following the election of Tony Blair in 1994 as leader of the Labour party, the party saw a series of programmatic and organisational changes; the party systematically reviewed its policies so as to re-embrace the mixed economy in the tradition of the revisionists of the 1950s. Labour had consistently struggled to fully implement socialism, and reject the capitalist system because of what many critics believed to be a lack of a proper plan of how to implement their socialist ideology and replace the capitalist system. Blair took the modernisation of the party to a new level, adopting the American idea of rebranding the party as ‘new’. The slogan, ‘New Labour, New Britain’ was unveiled and stuck as the new party name. Blair believed that the Left had to ‘modernise or die.’ [5] With the rejection of Clause 4, Blair and the modernisers showed little respect for Old Labour’s sacred cows; â€Å"state ownership, economic planning, Keynesian de mand management, full employment, tax-and-spend welfarism and close links with the trade unions†[6] and brought Labour back to win the next General election. New Labour is itself a contested term. There is much debate as to what exactly it means. Michael Freeden suggests that the ‘ideological map’ of New Labour is â€Å"†¦located somewhere between the three great Western ideological traditions – liberalism, conservatism and socialism – though it is not equidistant from them all.†[7] Some suggest ‘New’ Labour is nothing but a marketing ploy and product of Alistair Campbell’s PR campaign for Labour in an attempt to win votes. During the 1997 election campaign, the Conservatives tried to convince voters that New Labour was simply ‘Old’ Labour in disguise using the ‘New Labour, New Danger’ slogan. Some political scientists, notably Driver and Martell assert that the political positioning of ‘New’ Labour is nothing more than Liberal Conservatism. They would argue that ‘New Labour’ is simply an extension of Thatcherism inasmuch as it is no different from Thatcherite attempts to blend traditional conservative and classical liberal principles. Pointing to Conservative prescriptions regarding education, the family and welfare, they assert that ‘New Labour’ is simply a progression of Thatcherism. Blair sees ‘New Labour’ as a new means to an old end, believing that the party has the same values yet is using new ways to achieve these aims. Apart from the rejection of Clause 4, how then is ‘New’ Labour different from ‘Old’ Labour? Dearlove and Saunders regard ‘New Labour’ to be Liberal Socialism. New Labour has rejected its classed based socialism in exchange for what many believe to be ethical socialism which has been largely influenced by Blair’s own Christian beliefs and the Labour ‘tradition of self help and mutual aid. Dennis and Halsey have defined ethical socialism as ‘a moral community in which freedom is gained for every member through the sharing of what they have, in equal mutual respect for the freedom of all’. Where Thatcher ‘sought to temper the free market individualism of neo-liberalism with an emphasis on traditional conservative values’ Blair has tried to temper the individualism of neo-liberalism with traditional ethical socialist values of equality, fraternity, self improvement and moral rectitude, in an attempt to amalgama te neo-liberal economics and socialist ethics. Whereas ‘Old Labour’ had been based on the big ideas of socialism and collectivism for the advancement of the working class, ‘New’ Labour attempts to reconstruct the state with more democracy and individual responsibility based on ‘co-operative self-help’ and the idea of communitarianism whereby individuals have a responsibility to help themselves and those immediately around them in their community. There is a new emphasis on social cohesion and ‘New’ Labour’s attempts to repair the social fabric of society. ‘New’ Labour is attempting to maintain the dynamic, innovative and efficient aspects and advantages of a liberalised economy whilst trying to avoid the inimical and often inevitable social fragmentation. One aspect of this is the shift from the ‘Old’ Labour stance on providing a large welfare state as a means of creating a more egalitarian society to ‘New’ Labour’s smaller we lfare state which is based on the principle of ‘hand up, not hand-out’ and the idea that the community and the individual should exist for each other’s benefit. The Ethical Socialist ideals are further perpetuated with ‘New’ Labour’s belief in stakeholder capitalism – the idea that every citizen must be included in the society they live in by being made to feel they have a long term stake in it using the idea of the welfare state and universal provision of services such as healthcare and education. Unlike ‘Old’ Labour’s focus on the interests and needs of the working classes, the trade unions and the poor, ‘New’ Labour concerns itself with the interests of consumers, especially middle Britain and a new deal for citizens. Anthony Giddens argues that this is largely in response to the impact of ‘post-materialism’. This idea asserts, â€Å"after a certain level of prosperity has been reached, voters become concerned less with economic issues than with the quality of their lives.†[8] In order to get the middle England vote, New Labour needed to accommodate for these voters. Giddens also suggests New Labour’s shift is a reflection of class dealignment and the decline of the blue collar, working class which meant Labour could no longer rely on a consistent ‘class bloc’ to vote for them. ‘New’ Labour has largely rejected a Keynesian style economy using demand management style that had been characteristic of ‘Old’ Labour. ‘New’ Labour has also rejected its former ideology of nationalised industry and public ownership replacing this with a much more free market approach and even privatisation of some former publicly owned services such as the London Underground. To argue that there are no discernable differences between ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Labour would be both naà ¯ve and crass. Like most political parties, since its inception, Labour has evolved, changing both its organisation and ideology to reflect changes in society and voters needs. The gap between the Left and Right has significantly narrowed with ‘New’ Labour policy and there are undeniable elements of Thatcherism in ‘New’ Labour although it is certainly not merely an extension of this. Perhaps the most significant change to ‘New’ Labour, the amendment of Clause 4, can be attributed to class dealignment and the decline of the working class that has shifted Labour far away from its socialist and nationalising policies that used to provide the core of its ideology. ‘New’ Labour no longer seeks to nationalise and plan but rather prefers equality of opportunity rather than outcome. ‘New’ Labour is no l onger the preserve of the socialist working class; it has been transformed into a party for middle England as much as the workers. [1] John Dearlove and Peter Saunders – Introduction to British Politics 3rd Edition, Polity 2000 p.394 [2] ibid p.397 [3] John Dearlove and Peter Saunders – Introduction to British Politics 3rd Edition, Polity 2000 p.402 [4] The former ‘Clause 4’ of the Labour Party constitution [5] Tony Blair, speech to the Part of European Socialists’ Congress, Malmo, 6 June 1997 [6] Stephen Driver and Luke Martell – New Labour, Politics after Thatcherism 1998 Polity, p.12 [7] Michael Freeden – The Ideology of New Labour – Political Quarterly 70 (1999) p.48 [8] Anthony Giddens – The Third Way: The Renewal of Democracy Polity p.19

British Literature Essay

  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Prithee, go in thyself. Seek thine own ease./ This tempest will not give me : leave to ponder/ On things would hurt me more. But I’ll go in. -/ In, boy; go first.- You houseless poverty -Nay, get thee in. I’ll pray, and then I’ll sleep. [Fool exits] Poor naked wretches, wheresoe’er you are,/ That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm! How shall your houseless heads unfed sides,/ Your looped and windowed raggedness defend you! From the seasons such as these? 0, I have ta’en! Too little care of this. Take physic, pomp./ Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel, / That thou may’st shake the superflux to them! And show the heavens more just.† — Act III, Scene 4, Lines 27—41 Literal Interpretation of the Passage King Lear is being turned out of his own castle by his daughters, Goneril and Regan. A fierce tempest is raging outside the castle and the daughters heartlessly have their father thrown out. A totally depressed King Lear speaks these lines to Kent and the Fool when they lead him to a hovel to protect him from the storm raging outside. The king asks them to go into the hovel instead and seek comfort from the storm. He is already shaken and tells them that the tempest will not let him ponder on things that will disturb him anymore. For a moment, the confused king tells them that he would go in, but immediately asks Fool to enter the hovel first. He tells them that he would like to pray before he goes to sleep. Fool enters the hovel and the king’s disturbed mind extends pity to the houseless people who are exposed to the ravages of nature. He wonders how people without a roof over their heads and without proper clothing would survive the cruelty of such a fierce storm. He wonders how wretched people, who don’t even get proper meals, get protected from seasons as harsh as these. He feels compassionate towards them and regrets that he had never before thought about things such as these. He wishes for a purgative that would flush out his pomp and seeks to expose himself to the harshness of what wretches experience. He hopes to shake some of his superfluous splendor on the wretched people and thus seek justice from heaven. Symbolic Interpretation of the Passage The play gains momentum in the third act when the king is turned out into the storm. The scene starts by the king crying out to Kent and Fool about â€Å"filial ingratitude.† He expresses his shock at his own plight and cries out aloud. The raging storm symbolizes the king’s mental status, and the intensity of the scene is immense when the old king is mercilessly made to face the storm both from outside and from within. The storm symbolizes the king’s inner turmoil and the madness that is soon to overtake him. The powerful storm also stands in stark contrast against the frail king who kneels down and prays after sending Fool inside. This is the first time in the play that the king prays. Pathos reigns supreme when the king all too suddenly remembers the â€Å"houseless heads.† The king’s own limitations, where he is thrown out in the open from the luxury of the castle is portrayed here. When the king rambles about â€Å"the pelting of this pitiless storm,† he alludes to the merciless nature of his daughters who mercilessly turn him out. The line â€Å"O, I have ta’en! Too little care of this† portrays the king’s understanding that he has been stripped of all royal pretensions and that he has never ever given a thought to something like this. He reproaches himself for being heartless in not caring for the homeless before. This throws light on the humanization of the king. Moral Interpretation of the Passage This passage highlights the plight of a mighty king who is betrayed by his own daughters and is rendered homeless. The hopeless situation to which the king is exposed is well expressed in this passage. He has lost the love of his daughters, his kingdom, and is now in the verge of losing his sanity too. The king divided up his kingdom and resigned from his duty. He was also stupid in not recognizing the affection of Cordelia and in sending her out because she refused to be a part of a flattering game. This is his sin and he is simply left to lurch in the thunderstorm by his own daughters. In such a backdrop, the brewing storm kindles the human spirit in the king. Though nature is not gentle towards the king, it does arouse the gentle feelings in him. It makes the same king who was vein enough to turn out his daughter for not taking part in a flattering game, wonder about other commoners. This play demonstrates the absurd nature of vanity and its results. The king learns a great many things by being exposed to harsh nature than when he was in the cozy realms of the palace. The great suffering of the king is beautifully depicted in this passage and one can foresee the tragedy that is soon to befall the king.

Friday, August 16, 2019

French and Indian War Brief Essay

Major Players in the French and Indian War The French and Indian War was primarily England and the American colonies against the French and various Native American tribes in America. As France expanded its colonies along the Ohio River, and Britain ventured further into the mountains and discovered them, it was inevitable that there would be competition, tension and eventually war between the two colonies. This war has come to be known as the French and Indian war, but it has various other names such as ‘The Seven Year War’ or ‘The War of British Conquest’. The war escalated into a world war in 1760 when France and Britain declared war on each other. It was sparked in America, not Europe, but Great Britain spent a lot of money in helping to fight the war and support to their colonies in America and the colonies participated fully in the war. Main reasons for the French and Indian War Britain and France had long been in a competition for territory in North America. The rich land west and north-west of the Appalachians was in top demand, for it was filled with waterways, fisheries, abundant game and beaver runs. Tensions grew until France and Britain finally declared war on each other for the region in 1756. In the first year, the British were defeated numerous times by the French and their allies, the Native Americans. This is when British Prime Minister William Pitt lent a hand to help out with the war, and funded an expanded war effort which involved shipping 10,000 soldiers overseas. He could see that there was potential of imperial expansion if France were defeated and borrowed substantial amounts of money to contribute. From then on, France’s attempts started to fail. By 1760 they were expelled from Canada, and their all allies in Europe were defeated or made separate peace with Prussia. The War comes to an end The French and Indian War was a great British victory. It ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris and also the Treaty of Hubertsburg in February 1763. In the Treaty of Paris, France lost east-Canada and gave Louisiana to Spain. Britain received Spanish Florida, Upper Canada and other French holdings overseas. The British were very pleased with the treaty, as they no longer had to worry about French attacks as much as they previously did. Also, the extra land meant more room for discovery and settlement, although there were still natives all through the land. Contribution the beginning of the American Revolution Fifteen years after the war, the bitterness the French felt after the loss of their colonial empire influenced their input in the American Revolution.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Duke Ellington

Edward Kennedy â€Å"Duke† Ellington (April 29, 1899 – May 24, 1974) was an American composer, pianist, and bandleader. Duke Ellington was thought to be one of the most influential figures in jazz, if not in all American music. After his death in 1974, he became even more popular. He even received a special award citation from the Pulitzer Prize Board. Ellington called his music â€Å"American Music† rather than jazz. He liked to describe those who impressed him as â€Å"beyond category†. Those belonging to this group included many of the musicians who served with his orchestra. Some of his band members were among the giants of jazz and performed with Ellington's orchestra for decades. It was Duke Ellington, however, who melded them into one of the most well-known orchestral units in the history of jazz. He often composed specifically for the style and skills of these individuals. Some of these songs included â€Å"Jeep's Blues† for Johnny Hodges, â€Å"Concerto for Cootie† (â€Å"Do Nothing Till You Hear from Me†) for Cootie Williams and â€Å"The Mooche† for Tricky Sam Nanton. He also recorded songs written by his bandsmen, such as Juan Tizol's â€Å"Caravan† and â€Å"Perdido† which brought the â€Å"Spanish Tinge† to big-band jazz. After 1941, he began to collaborate with composer-arranger Billy Strayhorn. Ellington often referred to Billy Strayhorn as his â€Å"alter-ego†. Duke Ellington is considered one of the 20th century's best-known artists. He also recorded for many American record companies, and appeared in several films. Ellington and his orchestra toured the United States and Europe regularly before and after World War II. He led his band from 1923 until his death in 1974. His son, Mercer Ellington, continued touring with the band until his death from cancer in 1996. Paul Ellington, Mercer's youngest son, took over the orchestra in 1996. After his mother's passing, Paul Ellington took over the estate of Duke and Mercer Ellington. Duke Ellington

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Benefits of Tricare

With so many different types of healthcare coverages out there it’s not an easy process going about finding the best coverage for those of military service and their family. One of the most important benefits of military service is Health Care. TRICARE is a healthcare program by the Department of Defense that provides health care coverage for medical services, medications, and dental care for military families and retirees and their and survivors.â€Å"The United States Department of defense operates a substantial program to provide medical services to active duty and retired members of the armed forces, their dependents, and their survivors through the Military Health Services System (MHSS)† (Shi & Singh, 2012). â€Å"The MHSS is equipped to provide medical care worldwide† (Shi & Singh, 2012). â€Å"It operates 59 hospitals and 364 clinics to serve an eligible population of 9. 6 million at a annual budget of $50 billion, according to the Department of Defenseâ €  (Shi & Singh, 2012).Since healthcare is so important TRICARE brings together the health care resources of the Army, Navy and Air Force and supplements them with networks of civilian health care professionals to provide better access and high quality service while maintaining the capability to support military operations. Active Duty and Guard and Reserve service members are automatically enrolled in TRICARE Prime. However military dependents and retirees must choose the TRICARE option that best suits their needs.One of the most important benefits of TRICARE is guaranteed insurance at a low premium. More benefits associated with TRICARE includes a broad choice of care providers, no enrollment fee, wide availability and the option of using the TRICARE Extra program, which allows the insured to select any physician, in or out of network. TRICARE also offers the services of military health care and provides supplemental services from civilian health care networks and pharmacies.As a response to the challenge of maintaining medical combat readiness and due to the increasing number retirees while providing the best health care for all eligible personnel, the Department of Defense introduced TRICARE. TRICARE is a regionally managed health care program that brings together the health care resources of the Army, Navy, and Air Force and supplements them with networks of civilian health care professionals to provide better access and high quality service while maintaining the capability to support military operations. TRICARE offers soldiers and their families’ affordable health care when they need it the most.Three main coverages of TRICARE which are TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Extra, and TRICARE Standard and the many different services covered by TRICARE. In conclusion the main challenge for most eligible beneficiaries is deciding which TRICARE option; Prime, Extra or Standard is best for them. Active duty soldiers are enrolled in TRICARE Prime and pay no fees while active duty family members pay no enrollment fees, but they must choose a TRICARE option and apply for enrollment in TRICARE Prime. There are no enrollment fees for active duty families in TRICARE Prime.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Long-term memory and forgetting, What is the evidence that human Essay

Long-term memory and forgetting, What is the evidence that human long-term memory is modular - Essay Example Significance is also given because of some attachment to some significant aspect (Heffner, 2001). For example, anything that is related to ourselves such as our professional awards and appreciations and so on. Vogel and Drew (2008) inform that long-term memory has massive storage ability. Due to the massive storage ability, the long-term memory can keep massive information in it. We can regard human long-term memory as modular as it retains a wide amount of data. However, this fact cannot be denied that we forget some information. Henderson (1999) describes that we forget because of two factors which are: decay and interference. From decay, he means the impact of time due to which, our long-term memory is sometimes unresponsive and from interference, he means the hindrance or intrusion that is caused because of some event or happening. By considering the phenomenon of forgetting, we cannot disregard the modularity of human long-term memory. Vogel and Drew (2008) report in â€Å"Why do we forget things?† that our long-term memory keeps records of information in a detailed format and the information it keeps cannot be considered as uncertain because the long-term memory keeps an massive amount of information for the lifetime. We forget because of interference and at that juncture, when we forget, we have to voluntarily search our memory for the forgotten event or item and with the search, we will be able to remember the right answer for our question (Vogel and Drew, 2008). Heffner (2001) regards forgetting as a natural phenomenon. He informs that when we are not able to remember anything, it cannot be said that the information is lost forever, it stays there. The information that is saved in our long-term memory cannot be retrieved at sometime because of some distraction and temporary problem. This distraction or interference is only for the time being as the information can be gained later on (Heffner,

Monday, August 12, 2019

Marcel Duchamp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marcel Duchamp - Essay Example The paper "Marcel Duchamp" focuses on the important figure in the art, Marcel Duchamp. Particular to that was the avant-garde movement known as the Dadaists and the Surrealists: "the mission of the early 20th Century avant-garde thus consisted in undermining the idea of art's 'autonomy' in favour of a new merging of art into what he calls the 'praxis of life'." The work being examined in the following, falls within the genre of this movement, and thus, one of the running themes explored throughout this discussion, will address how L.H.O.O.Q. can be understood as an expression of the avant-garde of his age, and how this fits within the agenda of the Dadaists. In introductory terms, Dadaism is a movement that sought to deconstruct the relationship of art to the power structures that financed it, so to speak. By challenging the power relations surrounding the work of art, the further agenda of exposing the essentially "bourgeoisie" values are likewise a theme that is incorporated into t he actual pieces or works of art themselves. In 1915, Marcel Duchamp moved to New York City from Paris. In Duchamp's own words, he was not moving to New York so much as he was fleeing the art community in Paris which he believed was burdened by the history and traditions of European art. As he states: â€Å"If only America would realize that the art of Europe is finished – dead – and that America is the country of the art of the future. Look at the skyscrapers! Has Europe anything to show more beautiful than these? New York is a work of art, a complete work of art . . . And I believe that the idea of demolishing old buildings, old souvenirs, is fine . . . The dead should not be permitted to be so much stronger than the living. We must learn to forget the past, to live our own lives in our own time.† [Kalaidjian, Ed., 2005, 195]. In terms of the back drop of rejecting history or the tradition of art, the work in question eventually came to be known as a 'ready-ma de'. That is, a found object which has been altered or modified in a way, and then presented as a work of art. The work in question [APPENDIX A] is a reproduction of Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, which is arguably, the most famous work that is housed in the Louvre in Paris. As far as the modifications go with this particular work, Duchamp has merely added a mustache and titled the work with the initials L.H.O.O.Q.. This title is supposed to be a pun or a play on the French: â€Å"Elle a chaud au cul" and as translated into English, the phrase means "She has a hot ass" [Seigel, 1995, 119] . There is an interesting controversy about the work, that it is germane to the very meaning of the work itself. One of the important aspects of a work like this, is the very capacity for it to be photographed and reproduced. Indeed, the technique involved with the work in the first sense involves photography insofar as the image itself is initially a photograph of the Mona Lisa: "photography was crucial in disseminating Duchamp" [Hopkins, 2004, p. 46]. The contemporary twist on the controversy occurred in 2006 when the art critic and editor of Art in America, had to issue an apology for misunderstanding the authenticity and provenance of a reproduction of Duchamp's famous work: â€Å"I was wrong in 'Dada Lives' to claim that Francis Picabia's bungled 1920 reproduction

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Phenomenon Of Terrorism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Phenomenon Of Terrorism - Research Paper Example Body Causes of terrorism Ethnicity and separation are two factors that significantly contribute to terrorism in different countries. Individuals from nations that are not united tend to cause trouble to other nations as a way of finding the key cause of disagreements to their own nations (Bjorgo,  2005). Separation among different nations can also be explained by political and religious differences. This also brings in the issue of racism in a country. When a country has some form of inequality, it will definitely have many terrorism cases because people will not be united. For instance, in the year 1990, racism in the United States caused terrorism cases to increase because, each group wanted to defend itself from being attacked by the other. Separation in the community can also be explained from a different point of view where there is a group of persons in the society that are dissatisfied (Crenshaw, 1981). Some individuals in the community may feel that they are not being given equal rights as other individuals. Thus, they might engage in terrorism acts in order to have such rights too. Therefore, inequality in the society can fuel terrorism. This is because; inequality and unfairness causes feelings of depression among people. Consequently, it causes individuals to act out of frustration and anger (Al-Thagafi & Army War College (U.S.), 2008). Terrorism can also be caused by the lack of or unequal opportunities for political participation (Crenshaw, 1981). When political opportunities are only available to a certain group of people in the society, then other individuals will use terrorism acts to obtain political power. This is a case where by politicians who obtain power in the wrong... Some individuals in the community may feel that they are not being given equal rights as other individuals. Thus, they might engage in terrorist acts in order to have such rights too. Therefore, inequality in the society can fuel terrorism. This is because; inequality and unfairness cause feelings of depression among people. Consequently, it causes individuals to act out of frustration and anger (Al-Thagafi & Army War College (U.S.), 2008). Terrorism can also be caused by the lack of or unequal opportunities for political participation (Crenshaw, 1981). When political opportunities are only available to a certain group of people in the society, then other individuals will use terrorist acts to obtain political power. This is a case where by politicians who obtain power in the wrong manner end up being killed in terrorism. When individuals are not in support of the governance of a country, they tend to engage in terrorist acts in order to eliminate the individuals in leadership. This can also be referred to as anti-democracy. When there are a large number of weaknesses in a democratic government, terrorism is bound to increase. This is because; democracy involves a lot of openness, which makes terrorists be in possession of information that they can use to plan terrorist attacks. Effects of Terrorism Terrorism is normally directed at disrupting and disorganizing government procedures in a country. It weakens and damages the operations of leadership in a country (Houle, 2005).