
Monday, March 18, 2019

Choosing Between Low-Fat and Low-Carb Diets Essay -- Energy and Intake

Kays compromise is setting her up for troubles. She is doing the acceptable thing by researching the issue however she has missed some finer points. While fats at 9 calories per gram do in fact yield more than calories per gram than carbohydrates which are 4 calories per gram and as such do indeed have a greater potential for energy intention she is misguided in her thinking and taking an approach where she drops her carbohydrates measly and leaves in high fat in her sustenance is perverting the facts. A diet of the energy-dense fats provide not be better for her in this event. She needs to trust and learn to her coach and their recommendation for her to see a sports nutrition professional. It go forth take following a properly guided meal plan for her to be competitive in this event and remain healthy.As Fink points out, Carbohydrates, in the form of glucose, are the main source of fuel for all natural activity. Fats on the other hand are primarily used as a fuel s ource while resting and when performing moderately to low intensity exercises. (Fink, 2012, p.3) Its these facts that are so significant. The event she participates in will be fairly short yet very intense with that in mind as an 800-meter track athlete the Carbohydrates are going to advert her the best. She will require immediate as well as a short sustained use of energy for her event. While she will be using both energy systems Fink states she will mainly be using anaerobic energy system which is a major reader to intense activities that last from 1 to 3 minutes. (Fink, 2012, p. 50)Undoubtedly Kay must be experiencing some undesired results during her races which she wants to correct. She is managing to do the correct thing by pursuance nutrition as the answer. She is cur... ...etermine which adjustments actually need to be made. If Kay is currently authentically following a well planned high carbohydrate diet then her issue will be her training.Works CitedAERENHOUTS, D., DE RIEMAEKER, P., HEBBELINCK, M., & CLARYS, P. (2011). Energy and macronutrient ingestion in adolescent sprint athletes A follow-up study. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 29(1), 73-82. Fink, ling Hedrick., Alan E. Mikesky, and Lisa A. Burgoon. (2012). Practical Applications in Sports Nutrition,3rd edition. Sudbury, MA Jones & Bartlett Learning. Hunt, J. (2011). We Can Raise American Distance Runners To Gold Medal Levels. Track Coach, (196), 6239-6247.Rosenkranz, R. R., Cook, C. M., & Haub, M. D. (2007). Endurance Training on Low-Carbohydrate and Grain-Based Diets A Case Study. International Journal Of Sport Nutrition & execution Metabolism, 17(3), 296-309

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