
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Personal exercise plan For a football player Essay

A shielder playing foot twine has to claim different requirements, these be as follows Reaction time- a defender necessitate a good reaction time because when he receive s he evening gown he has to immediately make control and find a team player to which he canister safely pass to. Flexibility- a defender necessarily good flexibleness so he can reach a perspective as removed as possible to realize the oaf off an opponent. Muscular endurance- a defender need good muscular endurance because he has to be playing for 90 minutes and cant let his tendons aspire tiered quickly.Muscular power- a defender needs good muscular persuasiveness so when he is one on one with an opponent and they conflict he is non fallen of his feet. Speed- a defender needs to feature a lot of speed so he can out run opponents and clear the ball out of his argona. Agility- a defender needs good agility so when he is running in mien of a opponent he can quickly move forethought to fork up m ore(prenominal) positions to pass the ball to. Coordination- a defender needs good coordination because he has to be able to run and control the ball smoothly. Balance- a defender needs good balance so he is always on his feet when running and performing skills.Why it is all- key(prenominal) to be vex a inviolable up and warm down Warm up A warm up is a period of gentle exercises preparing the physical structure for a physical activity to follow. A warm up is classical because it prepargons your cardio vascular system for exercise, summations tone rate/ eubstance temperature and it warms up your muscle- kinders. A warm up as well loosens joints, prevents injuries E. g. prevent you pulling a muscle because If u dont warm up your muscles and you start a phsical activity you can pull a muscle very easly . A warm is done in 3 steps, these steps are a follow1. Pulse raiser- it prepares your cardio vascular system for exercise, increases heart rate/ body temperature and it warms up your muscles. 2. Stretching, which loosens joints, prevents injuries pulling a muscle 3. Skills, which gets you physiologically prepared Warm down A warm down is a period of light exercise at the end of a training session to in sure as shooting a successful recovery depart take place. A warm down is important because it allows the body to recover and it prevents your muscles from aching that hard. It also shortens recovery time and.It also removes carbon dioxide and lactic acid from your muscles. My rotary My rope lead live of eight displaces working different move of the body. Each ship will be carried out for 50 seconds and then will be followed by a 40 second rest period which will decrease by 5 seconds each week , this reason universe I will be more fitter and I would not rest as much. Also by doing this it will be more challenging. I will carry out this circuit once a week for six weeks. My circuit will mainly concentrate on the arm and leg muscles because they ar e mainly needed for a defender in football.They also need good pectorals because of their power they need to be stronger than the striker. So if they are coming to you running fast and you try to take the ball of them and they are more stronger, then the impact will go on you then you would fall down and they would score. My circuit will take down with a warm up as in any other sport. in that respect will be 3 stages to my warm up this reason being when your working on a circuit a lot muscles are being used to prevent injury I will chip in to do warm up thoroughly. 1. The First stage is to get my heart beat going. This is called a pulse raiser.The pulse raiser I have chosen is to jog for 7 minutes. This will increase my body temperature and get the heart supplying oxygen quickly to all the body parts being used e. g. muscles. 2. The Second stage is stretching your muscles after have been warmed up by the pulse raiser. I will take over each stretch for no longer or shorter than 8 seconds. I will do various different stretches as if you pick up to a lower place I will explain all of them in orderMy circuit will have 8 displace. I have intentional this circuit so that each locate will be working on different muscles.The circuit is designed like this so that 1 muscle is no working to hard again and again other extraneous if it were you would not be putting your best ability in the stations . These are the stations in order 1. Star jumps This station work on the legs. The muscles being worked are the hamstring, quadriceps and gastrocnemius which is important for a defender in football because he has to keep moving and fend for without his legs getting tiered because he game is 90 minutes and he has to last the intact of a the 90 minute period.2. Press-ups This station whole shebang on the arms. This includes the bicep, triceps and the pectorals being worked, which is important for a defender because he needs strong arms to help increase speed and to maintain a good balanced position era playing in the game. 3. Sit-ups This station works on the group AB which is important for a defender in football because he needs to be able to move side to side as quick as possible so he can doge players while trying to clear the ball.Squats This station works on the legs, which include all the muscles on the leg that are hamstring, quadriceps and gastrocnemius. This is important for a defender in football because he has stay standing(a) on his feet and keep moving to defend his goal for 90 minutes non stop so he needs strong legs to help him. 5. Pull-ups This station works on the arms, which include the bicep and trip being worked. This is important for a defender because he needs strong arms to help increase speed and to maintain a good balanced position while playing in the game. 6.Squat thrusts This station works on the abdominal which is important for a defender in football because he needs to be able to move side ways to make sure the opponent does not get close enough to get the ball from him. 7. Shuttle runs This station works on arms and legs. The muscles being worked are the bicep, triceps, hamstring, quadriceps and gastrocnemius. Which are the most important for a defender in football. This is because the football depends on them a lot so they must be strong enough to help the player last a whole 90 minute game while he is running, kicking the ball and is always on his feet.My circuit will end with a warm down, which is really important because I have to remove all the lactic acid and carbon dioxide from my body. It also will lower down the twinkling and reduce the blood tempreture. My warm down witch I have chosen will be o walk for 7 minutes. This will give me enough time to recover. Principles of training S. P. O. R. T Specific betterment Overload Reversibility Tedium Specific The training I have designed is specific to football. Progression I will progress my body to build something up.I will train, re cover and then train more. Overload I will make muscles work harder. The training must be raided to a higher level then normal. To do this I will look at Reversibility is not achieved in circuit training if the above are adhered to Tedium is overcome in circuit training by ensuring the duration of exercises are organised to avoid, as far as possible, two true stations stress in the same muscle groups. Due to the mutation of exercises providing a balance loading on different body parts.

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