
Saturday, March 9, 2019

I am Filipino Essay

every race around the ground has different conclusion and beliefs and in that expiration rough clock they even fight because of that contrast. wizard of the races cognize around the world is the Filipino. The Filipino people (Filipino Mamamayang Pilipino) or Filipinos argon an ethnic group homegrown to the islands of the Philippines. According to the 2010 Census, there were 92,337,852 in the Philippines and about 10-12 million living extraneous the Philippines. There be around 180 languages spoken in the Philippines, approximately of them belonging to the Austronesian language family, with Tagalog and Cebuano having the greatest number of native speakers.The semiofficial languages of the Philippines atomic number 18 Filipino and English and most Filipinos argon bilingual or trilingual. The Philippines was a Spanish colony for over 300 years, leaving what passel now be c whollyed Filipino culture and people semi-Hispanicized. Under Spanish rule, most of the Filipino popul ace embraced Roman Catholicism, yet revolted many convictions to its hierarchy. Due to a colonial program, almost all inhabitants adopted Spanish sur conjure ups from the Catalogo alfabetico de apellidos published in 1849 by the Spanish colonial government.As uncomplete past governments nor the modern National Statistics Office account for the racial play down of an individual, the exact percentage of Filipinos with Spanish ancestry is un cognise. What is being a Pinoy all aboutaside from pointing with our lips and having an action star for our President? Its our character. Filipinos argon carry many qualities which set them apart as people. One of that indication is the strong belief of the Supreme Being or excessively sleep togethern as Faith of God. Filipino may have different religions in different sectors of our country, provided what is consistent is that we have one strong contrive of faith in the Supreme Being.Supreme being also known as God/Diyos for Christians or in Islamic as Allah, sometimes called as Bathala, Kabunian, Ginoo, and others. We Filipino atomic number 18 also known as reverent because of the great respect for our elders. Other countries call their elders by their name and here in Philippnes we used Kuya, Ate, Lola, Lolo, Tito, Tita, Mama, Papa and more. From the mano to saying po and opo to our elders, these delivery that atomic number 18 part of our language show how we respect people. In our culture we always respect and follow what our pargonnts and adults advise us to do. Not talking back, and trusting the adults around us has always been a part of who we are.One of the examples of the respect is next the beliefs by our elderly. Traditional Pilipino value have clearly influenced beliefs and practices pertaining to child rearing, medical care, disability, and death and dying. Each of these areas is detailed in the following sections with respect to more traditional views. Formal studies of Pilipino child-rearing beli efs and practices have shown considerable torso in their seeings (Church, 1986). Moreover, the specific socialization patterns and training for desirable childhood traits and behaviors (particularly during early childhood/toddlerhood and early childhood) are passing consistent with other Asian cultural groups.However, Pilipino child-rearing beliefs and practices are reinforced within a traditional family organize and 1 all-embracing family system with characteristic similarities and differences telling to other Asian cultures. Filipinos are also having close family ties. We enjoy having and subtile family members are around us. From cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents, some familys share their homes celebrate holidays and lends a hand to a relative in times of need.The complete centrality of family life and the importance of family loyalty, obligation, and interdependence are previously described. These values are supported by a family structure and kinship ties that re flect the multicultural Pilipino heritage. Having withstood Hispanic Catholic influence, the ancient Malayan tradition of equality between men and women translates into a bilateral extended kinship system. Both the mothers and fathers lineages are of equal importance.Thus, for example, names may be inherited with the young-begetting(prenominal) line or both the fathers and mothers family name it is not unusual for the mothers maiden name to be given as a childs core name. Inheritance patterns further call for equal division between daughters and sons (Aquino, 1981 UPAC, 1980). The Filipinos are a helpful people. They live the members of their family, their relatives, neighbors, friends and even strangers. If the family is poor, the members help one other and the elders sacrifice for the education of the younger ones. The bayanihan spirit makes it possible for the people to inning houses, move houses, plant crops, harvest crops, build roads and other things with myopic expense .The people of the community help one another in doing this. Bayanihan is also an occasion for fun because it brings the people of the community in concert. It means getting together or helping one another in a universal project or carry. Many hands make light guide is the idea behind the bayanihan. When we have people vi stick our homes, we always take them with smiles, conversations, and foods. This is one of the most popular qualities of Filipinos. Foreigners who have gone to the Philippines find themselves travel in love for their hospitality. Its a different kind of values which already existed thousands of years ago.Examples of hospitality that they show not only to irrelevant just also to their fellow citizens. This is observed when one person has nil and they tend to share what they have to them. When one visits a friends house, they greet them with a very warm welcome. They let their visitor sit down and prepare them a meal or a bit plus drinks for them. They may n ot want you leave the house with an muster out stomach. They make sure you had a great time visiting them. They crack their guest room to their visitors if theyre going to spend the night with them. Meals offered are very special, if not, they make a way to prepare great discernment food that their visitor wanted to eat.Majority of our livelihood in the Philippines is establish on agriculture. It takes a lot of back-breaking resolve to plant the fields. Them it takes patience to care, pissing and to harvest. We Filipinos are hardworking people to the fact that they are allowing to work several time to almost whole day just to food their families. Thats how Filipinos are. One example of a hardworking person is a farmer, they fetch so little but still they tend to work very hard for few bucks. Filipinos always find ways to earn for a living analogous putting.2 up a delicate business from their home wherein they sell foods or other items for the convenient of their neighbors as well. . During the times we dont have means to accomplish something, we find ingenious ways f using what we have to solve our problems thats why we are also known as resourceful and creative. And because weve been through a lot of trials in our history, Filipinos have learned not to be depress. Rather, we find jokes and have fun even during our difficulty.An Asiawide (minus Japan) consumer keep abreast has found that Filipinos and Thais are the happiest in the region while people of Hongkong worry about their jobs, the frugality and their waistlines. The survey was conducted before the outbreak of SARS in China and elsewhere. The survey report, made by the advertising group TBWA Hongkong, was based on snap groups and five major surveys over three years in 7 Asian locations. There were more that 15,000 respondents with a bias towards those aged 25 to 35 who were thought to lead the culture in Asia.The report, titled hand Premium Brands in Asia, said Hong Kong people scored m inus 27 on the researchers happiness index, compared to minus six in Taiwan, minus two on the mainland, plus six in Singapore, 10 in Malaysia , 11 in Thailand and 12 in the Philippines. The index compared the number of people who classified themselves as very happy or happy against those who said they were unhappy or very unhappy.Those who said they were okay were excluded. Filipinos were not only the happiest among those surveyed, but were also the least body-conscious. Only 18 percent regarded themselves as clayey compared with 47 percent of Hongkongers saying they were too fat or a bit fat. We also dont like to go off anything since we dont have a lot.We are careful of what we have, knowing that it result serve as for a long period time which also make us Filipinos thrifty and frugal. The Filipinos held their womenfolk in high regard. The women where highly respected. When walking together, men walked behind them. They were accorded equal rights to men by their usual laws, li ke they could own and inherit properties. They could also engage in trade and industry. The alone enjoyed the privilege of giving names to their children. When there was no manlike successor to become chief of barangay, a woman could become one. Filipinos are the mellisonantest and loving people in the world.I dont know why, Im not saying this because Im a Filipino but dude, youve got to know them well. Men are so sweet and romantic when it comes to love, they will send you flowers, bring you to a very romantic place, they text you sweet quotes and often tell you how special you are to them. Filipino women are also romantic and very caring, that makes foreigners want to marry a kind like them. Women tend to prepare dinner before their husband comes home. They are so loving that they value the relationship which make them so faithful to their husband. And they will love you for the fullest.

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